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Back To School Time!

Updated: Sep 28, 2021

August 30, 2021

It's that time of year again. Children are preparing for another year of school, this time in person for most, and parents are adjusting to the idea that classrooms will be full again. For educators, it is likely a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, but we’re committed to the education of youth nonetheless. Masks, sneeze guards, hand sanitizer stations and air purifiers are on the shopping lists for school districts across the nation, and PPE has become a well known acronym.

As your child enters a classroom, what are your thoughts and concerns? Have you considered online options, or homeschooling? Are those even possibilities for your family? Conversations about vaccines and impacts from the pandemic occur daily, and for some folks, it brings with it sharp divisions and debates on the merits of the science. I long for the days when we didn’t have these issues to ponder but could focus solely on backpacks, notebooks and new outfits for a new school year. Instead we must adapt to the “new normal,” as some have labeled it.

It is difficult to be on the front lines as variants of the coronavirus rage in our world, but we are tasked with educating children and are stepping up to do so. Whether we’re hailed as heroes or blamed for the myriad of hiccups experienced in the reopening process, I personally know many dedicated individuals rising to the challenge. This season, I salute all of the educators, administrators and support professionals enduring unimaginable stress to care for our children during these unprecedented times. Guard your social emotional health and stay well.

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